Friday, September 9, 2016

So Here's the Scoop

So in case you haven't noticed, I am very new to this whole blogging thing. While I have no problem sharing my opinions about many things in person, it's a whole other thing entirely writing this stuff down for the world to see (or rather, at this point at least, a small, small fraction of the world to see :-). However I have been reading personal accounts of strange personal experiences on the internet probably a lot longer than most. Since I worked in the computer field as a software engineer, I had access to the web in the very early 90s (ahh Mosaic…) and newsgroups, etc.So I know that there is no shortage of people who claim to have had experiences with extraterrestrials, angels, demons, bigfoots (bigfeet???) and so on. And I am well aware that you must take each account with a LARGE grain of salt. And even when these people sound as credible as your grandmother recounting the days of yore, they typically are still bombarded with the requisite ridicule, teasing, and inquiries into their current mental state. So it is with great hesitation that I even mention the experience that my wife and I had in the summer of 2002. However so much of what I intend to speak about on this blog is based on that particular experience that I begrudgingly have decided to offer the following: If anyone is seriously interested in our experience with the divine then I will gladly email to you a pre-prepared document providing the details of this event. All you have to do is email us at with the subject field set to “divine”.

In the meantime I feel that a large part of our mission here is to reveal the real truth concerning the hows and whys of life in this universe (or at least our little corner of the galaxy). So I will continue to do that and, when you get some spare time, please check out our main website at It is still in the beginning stages but we have ALL KINDS OF PLANS for its future. Also remember the little homework assignment I kindly offered in my last post: study the existing info regarding UFOs and ETs - there is a LOT out there. One really good place to start is: This particular website somehow got very close to the reality of what is happening on our planet and lays it all out quite succinctly so give it a look if you please. Anyway, just as a reminder, the beings who are coming here are without a doubt up to no good and all it would take to stop their program in its tracks would be for a widely known, credible, personality to come out and provide the facts of what is going on to the general public. Any takers???

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